Kaggle Santander Value Prediction TOP 8%


The digitalization of everyday lives means that customers expect services to be delivered in a personalized and timely manner… and often before they´ve even realized they need the service. In their 3rd Kaggle competition, Santander Group aims to go a step beyond recognizing that there is a need to provide a customer a financial service and intends to determine the amount or value of the customer’s transaction. This means anticipating customer needs in a more concrete, but also simple and personal way. With so many choices for financial services, this need is greater now than ever before.

Santander Group is asking Kagglers to help them identify the value of transactions for each potential customer.

[feature engineering]

  1. leak features from kernel
  2. statistical features (max, min, sd, median, avg)
  3. na count features by row


  1. single light gbm
  2. bayesian grid search
  3. cv predict
  4. boosting samples
  5. cut range
