데이터 사이언스 뉴스레터 (wordcloud)
Kaggle Blog NEWS TITLE
Data Notes: How Do Autoencoders Work?
Keyword(freq): autoencoder(2), convolution(2), case(1), channel(1), dataset(1), entity(1), kernel(1), media(1), model(1), number(1) -
Help! I can’t reproduce a machine learning project!
Keyword(freq): problem(10), result(10), package(8), file(6), difference(5), version(5), date(4), dataset(3), case(2), else(2)
New Skill Track: Tidyverse Fundamentals with R
Keyword(freq): tool(5), plot(4), dataset(3), graphic(3), model(3), package(3), variable(3), factor(2), kaggle(2), price(2) -
Becoming a Data Scientist (Transcript)
Keyword(freq): scientist(19), question(14), skill(13), result(10), technique(10), path(9), resource(9), algorithm(8), job(8), basic(7)
Analytics Vidhya NEWS TITLE
Let’s Think in Graphs: Introduction to Graph Theory and its Applications using Python
Keyword(freq): graph(29), bridge(17), vertex(17), edge(10), node(9), concept(8), step(6), visualization(6), airport(5), tree(5) -
Nuts & Bolts of Reinforcement Learning: Model Based Planning using Dynamic Programming
Keyword(freq): state(16), algorithm(5), problem(4), action(3), equation(3), iteration(3), reward(3), bike(2), environment(2), episode(2) -
DataHack Radio #10: The Role of Computer Science in the Data Science World with Dr. Jeannette M. Wing
Keyword(freq): method(7), mathematic(3), decade(2), technique(2), advantage(1), avanessian(1), concept(1), domain(1), episode(1), fan(1)
Machine Learning Mastery NEWS TITLE
How to Develop 1D Convolutional Neural Network Models for Human Activity Recognition
Keyword(freq): result(26), feature(19), map(11), step(10), model(8), sample(7), window(7), filter(6), activity(5), cnn(5) -
How to Evaluate Machine Learning Algorithms for Human Activity Recognition
Keyword(freq): model(23), feature(17), method(13), result(13), algorithm(11), file(7), activity(6), tree(6), implement(5), sample(5) -
How to Model Human Activity From Smartphone Data
Keyword(freq): activity(46), subject(33), distribution(13), feature(11), plot(11), histogram(10), row(10), implement(9), smartphone(9), variable(9)