데이터 사이언스 뉴스레터 (wordcloud)
Kaggle Blog NEWS TITLE
- Data Notes: Are Those Honey Bees Healthy?
Keyword(freq): admission(1), bee(1), dataset(1), encoding(1), feature(1), framework(1), kernel(1), right(1), ring(1), trend(1)
- Full Stack Data Science (Transcript)
Keyword(freq): project(9), scientist(8), client(6), company(6), environment(5), organization(5), skill(5), team(5), customer(4), econometric(4)
Analytics Vidhya NEWS TITLE
5 Amazing Machine Learning GitHub Repositories & Reddit Threads from September 2018
Keyword(freq): repository(4), discussion(3), link(3), algorithm(2), code(2), comment(2), framework(2), pipeline(2), project(2), analytics(1) -
DataHack Radio #11: Decision Intelligence with Google Cloud’s Chief Decision Scientist, Cassie Kozyrkov
Keyword(freq): project(4), entry(2), process(2), result(2), team(2), thought(2), appliance(1), application(1), augment(1), cassy(1) -
Text Mining 101: A Stepwise Introduction to Topic Modeling using Latent Semantic Analysis (using Python)
Keyword(freq): topic(19), document(10), term(6), concept(4), book(3), newsgroup(3), technique(3), cluster(2), dimension(2), librarian(2) -
Text Mining 101: A Stepwise Introduction to Topic Modeling using Latent Semantic Analysis (using Python)
Keyword(freq): topic(19), document(10), term(6), concept(4), book(3), newsgroup(3), technique(3), cluster(2), dimension(2), librarian(2)
Machine Learning Mastery NEWS TITLE
Multi-step Time Series Forecasting with Machine Learning for Household Electricity Consumption
Keyword(freq): model(24), algorithm(18), observation(15), input(12), forecast(7), value(6), result(5), variable(5), output(4), score(4) -
How to Develop an Autoregression Forecast Model for Household Electricity Consumption
Keyword(freq): observation(17), model(12), plot(8), variable(7), time(6), value(6), step(5), forecast(4), kilowatt(4), correlation(3) -
How to Develop and Evaluate Naive Methods for Forecasting Household Electricity Consumption
Keyword(freq): model(13), strategy(11), score(7), observation(5), value(5), variable(5), method(4), implement(3), row(3), set(3)