연구 To Do List

   문의 jacobgreen1984@2e.co.kr


  • magic feature v1.0 in R (0.001 gain)
  • Word Embeddings From Count Vectors to Word2Vec in R
  • Bayesian Optimization using R and H2O
  • 추천 시스템 R패키지 비교 연구

  • Python

  • Imbalanced Dataset Handling Strategy with GAN
  • zeroth(한국어 음성인식) install and test

  • R and Python

  • Light GBM in R and Python (GBM vs Light GBM)
  • CatBoost vs Light GBM vs XGBoost in R and Python
  • 캐글 경진대회에서 10등 안에 드는 방법
  • CatBoost Tuninig Strategy in R & Python (hyper-parameter grid search)
  • 추천 시스템 Seldon 리뷰

  • Marketing

  • Customer Effort Score
  • 2 0

    Auto Machine Learning in R

    1 0

    Auto Feature Selection in R

    1 0

    Auto Feature Engineering in R

    1 0

    1 0


    0 0